Vernon Chapter, No. 5
Warranted: 21st March 1852
Meeting at Severn Street Masonic Hall
Third Thursday in February
Second Friday in May (E) and September
St. Martin Chapter, No. 286
Warranted: 29th January 1931
Meeting at Handsworth Masonic Hall
Second Tuesday in February (E), May and September
St Benedict Chapter, No. 403
Warranted: 25th March 1948
Meeting at Dalecote House, Coventry
Fourth Thursday in April, June and September (E)
Priors Chapter, No. 488
Warranted: 8th September 1955
Meeting at Alderson House, Warwick
Fourth Tuesday in April (E), June and October
Stratford-Upon-Avon Chapter, No. 620
Warranted: 8th July 1965
Meeting at Masonic Hall, Stratford-Upon-Avon
Fourth Wednesday in January, April (E) and September
Greswolde Chapter, No. 851
Warranted: 28th September 1978
Meeting at Solihull Masonic Centre, Knowle B93 9LF
First Wednesday in March, May (E) and December
Aldwyn Porter Chapter, No. 1048
Warranted: 29th May 1992
Meeting at Masonic Rooms, Guy's Cliffe
Third Monday in March (E), June and September
Shakespeare Chapter, No. 15
Warranted: 10th April 1861
Meeting at Alderson House, Warwick
Fourth Wednesday in February, May (E), and November
Holy Grail Chapter, No. 389
Warranted: 12th June 1947
Meeting at Masonic Hall, Rugby
Fourth Monday in April, June and October (E)
Warwickshire Chapter, No. 483
Warranted: 9th December 1954
Meeting at Alderson House, Warwick
First Wednesday in June (E) and second Wednesday in September
St. Alphege Chapter, No. 540
Warranted: 10th December 1959
Meeting at Solihull Masonic Centre, Knowle
First Wednesday in April, and first Monday in June (E) and September
Aesculapius Chapter, No. 687
Warranted: 11th June 1970
Meeting at Severn Street Masonic Hall
Second Thursday in February and November (E), and second Wednesday in May
Silhill Chapter, No. 937
Warranted: 23rd February 1984
Meeting at Solihull Masonic Centre, Knowle B93 9LF
First Wednesday in February, third Wednesday in May (E) and first Wednesday in July